Making a new employee feel welcome goes beyond a Slack message or welcome note, but those small gestures can make a big difference. As they say, “You only get one chance to make a first impression.” Consider including company swag or another small welcome gift alongside the good wishes on their first day.

Start making new hires feel welcome before they ever “clock-in.” Reach out to them during the window of time between their acceptance of the job offer and their first day to ask if they have any questions. You might send them helpful documents, introduce them to other team members on LinkedIn, and get them set up with any apps your team uses.

Many new hires have second thoughts about joining the team between receiving the job offer and their first day working with you. Especially in a tight labor market, another company may approach them with an offer, or they may have personal reasons. Stay on their radar and let them know that you’re looking forward to having them join the team before they ever step foot in the office. 

When you do a good job answering questions and providing resources leading up to a new colleague’s first day, your day-one welcome message doesn’t need to be long or detailed. Just make sure it conveys welcome wishes and that you’re looking forward to establishing a good working relationship with them. 

Good to be here!

them an email or give them a handwritten note, keep it short and sweet. 

Let them know you’re excited they’re there with phrases like:

  • “We’re so glad you’ve chosen to come work at [company name]”
  • “We’re excited to get to know you and work alongside you.”
  •  “Congratulations! You’re going to be an amazing addition to this team.”

Set expectations for the work environment and describe the team culture by saying:

  • “We believe you’ll fit right in with our values of hard work and innovative thinking.”
  • “I’m glad to have another member joining our creative team.”
  • “Please reach out to me or others with any questions you may have — we value teamwork and want to be there for one another.”

Encourage them by letting them know what characteristics you see in them: 

  • “I think you’ll fit right in with the rest of the team — like you, they’re hard-working and goal-oriented individuals.”
  • “I’m excited to see how you use your expertise and innovative thinking to help us reach new heights!” 
  • “As a creative and passionate individual, we’re excited to see how you impact your team.”

This welcome message is something you can give them on their start date. Don’t worry about topics like benefits, dress code, or the minutiae of their job offer — those are details they can learn through looking at the employee handbook or by talking to human resources. 

Your priority is to help take away a few of those first-day jitters by welcoming them